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Quick Start

How to create a ToDo App with BL

Creating a To Do App as example

Project structure

BL needs an input folder with a file and the essential controllers of the use cases which will be transpiled.

The structure of the input folder must be as the following:

📦 .
 ┣ 📂To Do App                # Bounded Context Name
 ┃ ┗ 📂To Do                  # Module Name
 ┃ ┃ ┗ 📂Use Cases            # Standard Name (Do not change!)
 ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ 📂Add To Do          # Use Case
 ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ 📜
 ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ 📂 ...	              # Another Use Case
 ┗ 📜 file

Setup file must be located in the root directory of the input folder.


Language configuration (optional)

Configure which language the bl will be transpiled to. Fow now, only TypeScript-Nest is supported and it is selected by default.
More languages to follow.

Config.setLanguage(TypeScript - Nest);
Router definition (REST)

Declare your router and assign to it a router expression as the example:

const toDoRESTRouter = RESTRouter(REST.Fastify) {
  Get('/add'): [To Do App][To Do]AddToDoRESTController();
// <Method>(<Path>): [<Bounded Context>][<Module>]<Controller>();

In accordance with Domain-Driven-Development principles, due to the ubiquitous language, use cases and controllers must have unique names.

Server expression (REST)

Instantiate your server and bind routes as the example:

  server: REST.Fastify,
  port: env.FASTIFY_PORT || 5001,
  apiPrefix: '/api',
}) {
  '/todo': toDoRESTRouter;
}; file

Controller file must be located in the directory of the Use Case it coordinates.


Controller expression (REST)

Declare and instantiate your controller as the example:

RESTController HelloWorldController () {
  method: REST.Methods.GET;
  execute(request, response) {
    this.ok(response, 'To Do added!');